Monday, June 9, 2014

Thoughts on the class

I found this class to be extremely informative as well as telling about how our society has evolved over the last couple of decades. We are making technological advances that people could have never even dreamed of years ago. With the help of Boyd and various articles we discusses, our class saw many perspectives on the use of technology. It was a true eye-opener for me. I realized how much we depend on social media to feel connected and this is just not the case. My friends and I now put our phones in the center of the table when we go out to eat. The first one to even reach for theirs has to pay the whole bill- no exceptions!! My point is- it's always going to be there and it probably is going to get even more insane as the years go on, but there will always be ways to remove it all for a moment.

The Job Hunt

Hunting for a summer job this year has been brutal. I work in the Alumni Office at NCC and I managed to get that incredible job through a connection with my neighbor who used to work there. Since students don't work there during the summer, I was in dire need of a job to hold me over for the next couple of months. I applied anywhere and EVERYWHERE. I would dress up and go around with my resume, and what I noticed was 9/10 companies told me "thanks for you interest, but we only accept online applications". The more I heard that, the  more I started to see signs hung on restaurants and businesses: "HIRING! Apply online".
What ever happened to 'Apply WITHIN'???
Although the internet has given us great opportunities to job hunt and maybe even search for jobs in other states or even countries that we would not have accessible to us without the internet, I feel it takes away from the experience a bit. There is only so much you can do to make yourself stand out on a resume. So, that being said, I began applying online just as they said to do, and then about a week later I would go into the store and follow up. I finally got hired at Old Navy but it really did take a while. It got me thinking about two years from now when I am applying to my first real job. I truly think networking is the key to finding a job within your desired area of interest.

iPhones-- Life Without 'Em

Yesterday I was AT&T with my dad and sister getting new phones. We were due for an upgrade so we decided we would make the trip. I was excited because my screen has been cracked for a year now.
Well, we got there and let me tell you... it was the longest process I have ever experienced. The staff that was working was completely unorganized and clueless. It was total chaos. We were literally there for two hours. As I sat and watched them try to program the phones all I could think about was how absolutely ridiculous the whole thing was. I actually started day-dreaming about life without cell phones and it shockingly made me feel really happy. We wouldn't feel this constant pressure to have our phones on us at all times. We could spend time working out or getting homework done instead of spending TWO hours at the phone store. It has just become such a necessity in our lives and I actually hate it. I really do.

When my family goes on vacation, I would say that is one of the only times I do not have my phone on me at all times because I leave it in the hotel room. But when I get back, I kid you not I have 20+ messages. It is nuts. I truly wish there was some way to go about changing this part of our culture but we are too far in.
I heard on the radio that Tim McGraw (who is married to Faith Hill) has a no social media night in their house. They have three teenage daughters and one night a week they put away all laptops, phones, computers, etc. and just TALK. What a concept, huh?!?!

Superlab Playset

As I was researching for another class about the hit AMC series Breaking Bad, I came across something very bizarre. During class we talked about transmedia storytelling and how it is the hip new way producers are going about developing their show. TMS requires the viewers to make use of a number of mediums in order to fully understand the series. In other words, they are to become immersed within the particular culture through graphic novels, video games, etc. Although Breaking Bad is not a TMS series, in that you are required to follow up after the series in order to understand the series, company's have taken advantage of the show by applying it to their products. One donut company sold blue frosted donuts every Sunday night replicating the blue-dyed meth. Sales sky-rocketed for the company.

This next one blew me away... I found a toy company that has developed 'Walter White's Superlab Playset', so that children can build their own meth lab..... What.......

There was utter outrage about this. Why would any company think this was acceptable? Talk about bizarre and completely inappropriate. I thought this would be interesting to share because it shows just how far our society is willing to go to push the limits.

"Honey, go play with your meth lab".