Monday, June 9, 2014

Superlab Playset

As I was researching for another class about the hit AMC series Breaking Bad, I came across something very bizarre. During class we talked about transmedia storytelling and how it is the hip new way producers are going about developing their show. TMS requires the viewers to make use of a number of mediums in order to fully understand the series. In other words, they are to become immersed within the particular culture through graphic novels, video games, etc. Although Breaking Bad is not a TMS series, in that you are required to follow up after the series in order to understand the series, company's have taken advantage of the show by applying it to their products. One donut company sold blue frosted donuts every Sunday night replicating the blue-dyed meth. Sales sky-rocketed for the company.

This next one blew me away... I found a toy company that has developed 'Walter White's Superlab Playset', so that children can build their own meth lab..... What.......

There was utter outrage about this. Why would any company think this was acceptable? Talk about bizarre and completely inappropriate. I thought this would be interesting to share because it shows just how far our society is willing to go to push the limits.

"Honey, go play with your meth lab".

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