Monday, June 9, 2014

iPhones-- Life Without 'Em

Yesterday I was AT&T with my dad and sister getting new phones. We were due for an upgrade so we decided we would make the trip. I was excited because my screen has been cracked for a year now.
Well, we got there and let me tell you... it was the longest process I have ever experienced. The staff that was working was completely unorganized and clueless. It was total chaos. We were literally there for two hours. As I sat and watched them try to program the phones all I could think about was how absolutely ridiculous the whole thing was. I actually started day-dreaming about life without cell phones and it shockingly made me feel really happy. We wouldn't feel this constant pressure to have our phones on us at all times. We could spend time working out or getting homework done instead of spending TWO hours at the phone store. It has just become such a necessity in our lives and I actually hate it. I really do.

When my family goes on vacation, I would say that is one of the only times I do not have my phone on me at all times because I leave it in the hotel room. But when I get back, I kid you not I have 20+ messages. It is nuts. I truly wish there was some way to go about changing this part of our culture but we are too far in.
I heard on the radio that Tim McGraw (who is married to Faith Hill) has a no social media night in their house. They have three teenage daughters and one night a week they put away all laptops, phones, computers, etc. and just TALK. What a concept, huh?!?!

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